Gorgeous Grandma Day Freebie

Happy Gorgeous Grandma Day to all the Grandmas who are beautiful both inside and out. July 23rd is the official day of “Gorgeous Grandma Day”. It is a day in which we can celebrate the gorgeous grannies in our lives.

According to the Gorgeous Grandma Website (no longer online) A Gorgeous Grandma is every woman over fifty, sixty or seventy and I say personally etc. etc. etc.:

  • She is the MiMi who believes her whole life is ahead of her, not behind her
  • She is the Nanny who wants to get the most out of every day of her life.
  • A Grandmother who wants to thrive, not just survive.
  • A woman who cares for her mind and her body.
  • She is the Granny that remains adaptable to life’s bittersweet as well as sweet.
  • Grammy cherishes herself as much as she cherishes her loved ones.
  • Most of all this Nana refuses to remain static and who is always open to learning new ideas and ready for new challenges & experiences.
  • A Gorgeous Grandma Loves life – and lets everyone know it!

Download the Grandma Subway Art Freebie

What ever you call your Grandmother: Nanny, Grandma, Granny, Nana, Gran, Gram, Grammy, Oma, Nonna, Bubbe, Nai-Nai, etc., etc., etc. this is the day to call her and make plans to celebrate her life and what she means to your life.

To get you started, you can download and print the Gorgeous Grandma Day Freebie Subway Art. The print is 8.5 by 11 and can be framed for a more polished gift for your Gorgeous Grandma.

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD gorgeous-grandma-day-freebies

Happy Gorgeous Grandma Day – Thank you for supporting Country Graphics™!

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