50 Totally Free Lessons in Graphic Design Theory

SOURCE: design.tuts+

While many of us can create something that looks good in Photoshop or attractive when spliced into CSS, but do we actually understand the design theory behind what we create?

Theory is the missing link for many un-trained but otherwise talented designers. Here are “50 totally free lessons in graphic design theory” to help you understand the ‘Whys’, not just the ‘Hows’.


MORE @ THE SOURCE: design.tuts+

Get ahead in graphic design, learn from experienced designers at design.TUTS+.  Danny Outlaw’s article “50 Totally Free Lessons in Graphic Design Theory” is a good resource for Typography, Paring Fonts, Grids, Color Psychology, Principles of Design, Basic Design Elements, Hierarchy, Fundamentals, AIGA’s Graphic Design, Action Buttons, Usability, Interface Designs, Layers of Design, UX matters, Closing the Usability Age Gap, Increasing Usability.

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